You can be the protagonist of your objects!

Produced at low temperature and with high molding and plasticity capacities. It is marketed in wet mass format that works like plasticine or in molds of light material, or in version of rigid, compact and dry modules that are worked in the same way as the wood, can be used screws, fill with putty the Imperfections sanding and painting with excellent results. It is mahogany color varying towards the/and shades of coffee a little lighter and in black. It has the density of medium density boards, 573 kg/m3. It is highly soluble in water and is degraded on earth. It is reusable by adding water. Its aroma is sweet and pleasant. To add color, it is recommended to apply a layer of acrylic waterproofing, so that the amount of paint layers is less. The applications are for interior, ephemeral architecture, coatings, furniture, sculptures and objects that are characterized by complex shapes and detailed textures.    

A board? Lignoplas are thousands of shapes!

Lignoplas can be molded with the hands or the mold you have at hand, make your order and exploit your creativity


Lignoplas is an organic moldable wood made based on by-products from the forestry industry. It is a clay that is hard to dry as agglomerated boards, through a simple process and low energy consumption.
From forest industry by-products
Mouldable as the plasticine.

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Eliodoro Yañez #964, Providencia Santiago, Chile
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